Friday 23 December 2016

Hypodermic Needle Theory: Implication of Media on Society

Hypodermic needle theory is also known as the Magic bullet theory it was originated in 1920s after seeing the effects of media broadcast during World War 1. The theory suggests that through media any message can be injected to the mass in order to create a certain response.
The interpretation of information may differ among people and each individual may have a unique set of psychology but the media presents data in such a systematic way which influences people from an individual to societies. For example, people tend to adopt behavior from media due to its psychological importance, personal interest or motivation which maybe the same for a large group of people. (Bryant and Thompson, 2002)

People subconsciously believe that mass media is the only source of trust through which accurate information come from. Media builds up trust by giving accurate information to its viewers repeatedly and by doing so people begin to have faith on the media. Once the media has control over the mass it starts publishing the information most likely people want to hear. This methodology functions in all times. Modern media uses psychological techniques to persuade people into believing its information. It gives you the information that wants you to believe. For example, if a group of people are in a conflict with another society, media will try to give each one of them as much information as they need to know about the other respective party which seemingly benefits both parties and is profitable for the media as well while in fact it worsens the condition between the two groups. Hypodermic needle theory will still be much effective where media exists.     

The development of technology has a great impact on media, as technology developed more sources of information were created which effected the Hypodermic needle theory as well. For instance, in the past the Hypodermic needle theory functioned more effectively due to limited resources like radios and newspapers which are not in fact the only assets available nowadays. Beside more resources people have even access to research materials in the form of articles, blogs, journals and apps. Whenever a person mistrusts an information he can easily use the research materials available to him in order to find its accuracy. Hence, public access to such resource have proven costly to the Magic bullet theory and the theory is not applicable enough to provide solid conclusions. Further development may even void this theory.

Magic bullet theory helped in the development of understanding communication through mass media but in the current era, this theory has a lot of limitations and does not keep up with the upcoming changes. A lot of other theories have been introduced since 1920s and Hypodermic needle theory has been successfully replaced by many other complex theories. It may be true that certain points of this theory may still be functional but with a set of assumptions. (Communication Studies, 2016)   


Communication Studies. (2016). Hypodermic Needle Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Dec. 2016].

Bryant, J. and Thompson, S. (2002). Fundamentals of media effects. 1st ed. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill.